Tracer Wire Locator
A tracer wire, for those who are unaware, is a wire that is put into the ground with cables, pipes or other buried items when building a home, an office or even a factory. When the pipes are buried, the specialty wire is run alongside those pipes in order to assist in their location.
When you want to locate those pipes or lines, the way that it is done is by the use of a tracer wire locator.The underground pipe or wire detector doesn’t actually find the pipes so much as it finds the buried tracer wire that was put into the ground with the pipes. When the tracer wire locator operator identifies the wire, the crews of the construction project can begin to dig in precisely the right place, either digging up the pipes and the wire or if necessary, avoiding those areas so that the pipe and the tracer wire are left undisturbed.
Tracer wire and tracer wire locators are used in many different industries to help to prevent the piping from being broken or being disturbed in any way. They are often used buy utility companies such as the gas company, water companies and or telecommunications companies in order to prevent damage to any of the utility pipes that may be buried when they are installing or removing pipes or services.
Every company that offers services which require the use of digging in residential or business areas should be skilled in the use of a tracer wire locator and if they are not, should hire someone who is skilled in that tracer wire detector to prevent accidents. For more information on tracer wire detectors or for demonstrations or sample products related to the service, you may contact GPI at 800-259-5679