Russell Sales Company was formed almost 30 years ago and has specialized in the applications and operation of industrial fire water systems. Refineries and industrial operations that use water and foam spraying systems, hydrants and elevated monitors, isolation shutoff valves with and without indicator posts and all related accessories, are just a few of our specialties.
We have worked with many engineering companies throughout the USA and the majority of the refiners/chemical plant processors in the Oklahoma, Kansas and panhandle of Texas region. Our experience enables us to assist in the design and operation of firewater systems and provide service plus products to assist in the development and operation of all types of fire fighting systems designed for specific applications.
In 1991, while working with gas distributions companies, we were asked if could construct a product that would simplify the removal of abandon gas meters while maintaining proper riser placements. Our first product manufactured was the GPI RAD® Meter Bar.
Since that time, we have added to our product line by building products that are cost effective and beneficial to the gas distribution industry. Each of our devices are designed to fill a specific requirement for the gas distribution market.
All of our products are made in the U.S.A.
GPI-RSC would appreciate the opportunity to present our current product line to you. If you or someone in your company has a need for s specific new application, we would be honored to confidentially discuss your idea with us,
Contact us today to see how we can save you time and money immediately – while providing the products which will save you money daily!